The Phoenix Historical Society was formed August 1998 by several long- time Phoenix residents who wanted to preserve the history of Phoenix. The museum was opened the next year. The building that houses the museum was built in the 1920’s as a bachelor’s cottage on 1st Street. In 1939 the city purchased the little 400 sq. ft. building; it was remodeled and used as the city hall and library. In 1978 the city hall moved to the community hall on 1st street but the library continued to use the building. Several years later, a new library was to be built on that spot. Kathryn Stancliffe a long time Phoenix resident, teacher, ex-mayor, and one of the founders of the Historical Society, persuaded the city to save the little building rather than tear it down. The building was just moved back a little on the same property and the library was built in front of it.
The building sat empty for the next 20 years until the Historical Society was formed. The museum was opened there in April 1999. In 2002 the museum building was moved to the corner of the Phoenix Pioneer Cemetery on North Church Street so it could be seen better. In 2004 an addition was added on to the back of the building to provide more space for the museums displays and meetings.
The Society and its Museum were created by members of the community to ensure preservation of the community’s heritage. Specifically, their purpose is to:
- Acquire and preserve human historical objects or artifacts
- Investigate, research, and publish local historical information
- Educate the community through the interpretation and exhibition of items, stories, and events of a historical nature
- Cooperate with other community organizations and business groups
- Provide a forum for the discussion, debate, and understanding of the history and rich multicultural traditions of the City of Phoenix and the surrounding community.
The Phoenix Historical Society Museum is a fully volunteer, non-profit organization.