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Southern Oregon Wildflower Hikes


I reached out to our Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest to add to my list of favorite Southern Oregon wildflower hikes in our region and we chose a combination of easy, family-friendly hikes and some a little more technical for advanced hikers.

Lower Table Rocks - Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest


Distance:  Lower Table Rock 4.8 miles out and back ;  Upper Table Rock 3.3 miles out and back. | Moderate | Kid-Friendly | No Dogs

The Table Rocks are some of the most popular hikes in the Rogue Valley taking you to amazing 360 views.  While there are some areas of incline, it is very family friendly with wide trails.  You will have to carry toddlers sometimes, but for the most part they can trek on their own.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include California goldfields , grass widows, yellowleaf iris, Henderson’s fawn lily

Get to Lower Table Rock Trailhead

Get to Upper Table Rock Trailhead

Southern Oregon Wildflower Hikes - Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Trail - What to do in Southern Oregon - Illinois Valley - Grants Pass


Distance:  1/8 of a mile | Easy Hike | Kid-Friendly | Dog-Friendly on leash

Eight Dollar Mountain is an amazing recreation site that is not only great for hikers, but it is wheelchair accessible.  It includes an interpretive trail with a botany guide, and views of the Siskiyou Mountain Range and Illinois River.  If you want to take a more challenging route hike the Jeffrey Pine Trail one mile loop that overlooks the Illinois River!

Some of the wildflowers you will see include:  California pitcher plant, western azalea

Get there.


Distance:  7.5 mile drive

Not a hike, but actually a drive, take a trip to see some of the natural wonders of the Siskiyou Mountains on the TJ Howell Botanical Drive.

Some of the wildflowers and plant species you will see are listed here.

Get there:

Directions from the forest service website: From Selma, OR, travel south on Highway 199, and turn right onto Eight Dollar Road. Travel for one mile. Set your odometer to zero at the parking area for the Eight Dollar Mountain Botanical Area. All mileage is listed from this point.

Drive carefully; the road is narrow, and gravel portions are rough and washboarded.

Southern Oregon Wildflower Hikes - Ashland- Grizzly Peak - What to do in Southern Oregon


Distance:  5.4 miles loop | Moderate Hike | Kid-Friendly | Dog-Friendly on leash

Grizzly Peak is a great day hike with gradual incline it gives a lot of bang for the fairly short hike that it is.  It is very family friendly with wide trails and the view at the top is an awe-inspiring 360 view.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include: Indian paintbrush, columbine, wild rose.

Get there.

Hobart Bluff 2


Distance:  2.3 out and back | Moderate | Kid-Friendly | Dogs on leash

Hobart Bluff is one of our favorite hikes to take our kids on!  It is partially tree covered for hot days and is literally covered in wildflowers through most of the hike.  Once you get to the top the views are amazing with lots of places to explore.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include: Fairy slippers, Indian paintbrush, columbine, wild rose

Get there.

Wildflower Hikes - Bigfoot Trap - Jacksonville - What to do in Southern Oregon - Travel


Distance:  6.9 miles out & back | Moderate | Kid-Friendly | Dogs on leash

The Collings Mountain trail while known for it’s hike to the Bigfoot Trap is also features magnificent view of the Siskiyou Crest and Applegate Lake.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include:  Fairy Slippers

Get there.

Southern Oregon Wildflower Hikes - East Applegate Ridge Trail - Jacksonville - What to do in Southern Oregon


Distance 10 miles out and back | Moderate to Difficult | Kid-Friendly | Dogs

From the start of the East Applegate Ridge Trail, enjoy a nice rolling hike with stunning views of the Applegate Valley.  After the first mile it starts getting a little harder so be prepared for some steep climbing in spots and lots of water on warmer days with no shade in a few spots.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include:  Columbine, daisies, Indian paintbrush and more!

Get there.

Tunnel Ridge Trail - Wildflower Hikes in Southern Oregon  - Jacksonville


Distance:  4.7 miles loop trail | Moderate | Kid-Friendly | Dogs

Sterling Mine Ditch Trail is a network of trails that you can hike up to 18.8 miles but I chose this one because it is kid-friendly.  Take in beautiful views and you are in tree cover for parts of the hike.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include: Indian paintbrush, Henderson’s fawn lily, shooting stars, and more.

Get there.

Fritilleria on Britt Trails in Jacksonville, Oregon


Distance:  Rich Gulch 1.5 Milies | Easy & Beekman Loop | 1 Mile

Both are moderate to easy

Britt Woodlands trails are a networks of more than 16 miles of trails.  Some are very easy others can have quite an incline.  Our favorites are the Rich Gulch Trail taking the short offshoot to Panorama Point and visiting the Chinese digging grounds.  Choose your own adventure on this network of trails.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include: Gentner’s Fritillaria (one of the rarest native plants in the world, and only found in isolated populations in southern Oregon), star flower, fritallia recurva, oregon grape, pinks, and more.

Get there:  Go up 1st Street to Fir Street.  Follow Fir Street up, past the Britt grounds to a dirt parking area.

Roxy Ann Hike


Distance: 4 Miles loop | Moderate to hard | Kid-friendly | Dogs on leash

Roxy Ann Peak is located only five miles from the center of Medford making it the perfect day hike.  Trails can be a little rocky some times, but the view at the top makes it all worth it with amazing views of the Rogue Valley.

Some of the wildflowers you will see include: Columbine

Get there.



  • Plenty of water and snacks.
  • Proper hiking shoes.
  • Hiking poles
  • Sunscreen
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • First aid kit
  • Compass


  • Poison oak is everywhere in southern Oregon so please stay on the trails to avoid getting infected.
  • As the weather warms rattlesnakes can be found in the area just keep your eyes open.
  • Check for ticks on you and your animals. Even in cold weather they have been found.
  • In more secluded areas you may want to carry bear spray or have a bear bell as a warning device.  Being aware is half the battle.


Pack out what you pack in, and then some.  Some may think that orange and banana peels are natural so you can leave them behind, but they too take time to biodegrade so they too must be packed out. Read more about Leave no Trace.

We hope that you can get out to enjoy our trails this spring!  You will surely be overcome with the beauty that you can only find when hiking Southern Oregon’s Wildflower Hikes.  Happy hiking!